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9 Habits Powerhouse Women Share in Common

While the prior-mentioned qualities will undoubtedly play a role in your ability to build and achieve success, your daily routine is equally important in stretching yourself to achieve growth and lasting success. The 8 common habits of successful powerhouse women are outlined below. If you ’re not currently implementing these practices, try starting this week with one or two that speak to you:

1. They Set (Power) Goals:

Regularly establishing and working toward compelling and transformative goals is vital for personal and professional development and success. When we don’t know what we’re working for, or unsure of what we are trying to achieve, we tend to get stuck in a rut, spending our days feeling adrift and uninspired. When you set a goal, map out a workable plan outlining the steps it will take to reach it. Remember to be flexible, as some restructuring will likely be necessary along the way.

2. They Pray and Trust God:

Nothing energizes and completes a true powerhouse woman like prayer and fellowship with her Father and God Almighty. Powerhouse Women have the habit of fellowshipping with God through the good and bad times, and trusting Him all the way on our journeys.

3. They Don’t Procrastinate.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Reaching our goals requires hard work and dedication. Successful women map out a plan and push themselves to persevere without risking their overall health or well-being. Procrastination is a thief of time and can portray a person as incompetent. Powerhouse Women stretch ourselves to get our work done in given time.

4. They Surround Themselves With Other Motivated People

While it’s possible to achieve success on your own, it’s much more attainable and enjoyable with a cohort of like-minded women. On our journey to More and in building sustainable success, it’s important to surround ourselves with women who have our best interest at heart and those who will lift us up when we’re feeling down, which happens to all of us from time to time.

5. They Invest In Themselves

Powerhouse Women place high value on ourselves and we are willing to spend our time and money on resources, products, and experiences that make us feel our best and allow us to build and achieve great success.

6. They Love Their Lives Outside of Work

We can derive a lot of satisfaction from our work, but how we spend our downtime is the key to
happiness and lasting success. Powerhouse women lead full, radiant, and successful lives, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying creative time and other hobbies.

7. They Intentionally Celebrate

Their Achievements It’s difficult to maintain drive and determination if we never take the time to revel in our successes. Powerhouse Women make a deliberate move to always acknowledge their wins – small or big. We believe that celebrating and sharing our achievements is therapeutic and opens up a window for more wins. We are motivated by our triumphs, and we do not let failures or setbacks determine our self-worth or esteem

8 They Know Self-Care and Boundaries? setting Are Important, and Practice Same.

Highly successful women don’t neglect their need for self-care and setting the requisite boundaries to help them observe and practice it effectively. They know time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation is imperative to their success. Whether it’s taking a routine nap or workout, journalling, avoiding negativity and toxicity, or having a spa time or gardening, they do all they can to ensure nothing stumps their need for and practice of selfcare and maintenance. The possibilities are virtually endless.

9. They Respect, Value, And Embrace Accountability for Growth and Success.

Building anything sustainable requires taking focused action and being accountable through the process and on the journey. Powerhouse Women need accountability to achieve our personal, professional and organizational goals. Your ultimate success in this month and through the year depends heavily on your accountability system that you have in place. You need someone or people to help you take a dream, develop it into goals, work out a strategy and execute a plan to birth it. Otherwise you run the risk of going through the rest of the year getting nothing but the same results of the past.

Our ELITE Community is a respectable and accountable one for focused powerhouse women looking to grow, advance and stretch themselves to build sustainable success in their personal and professional lives. Join us today!

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